International projects
Enbee's experts are involved in international projects in the field of energy efficiency of buildings:
EPC RECAST H2020 project sets a well-structured process and a toolbox
supporting the development, implementation and validation of a new generation of Energy Performance Assessment and Certification, with a deliberate focus on residential buildings, more specifically existing ones, for which retrofit is one of the most challenging and pressing issue. By enhancing EPCs usability, reliability, and comparability, and by linking them to renovation roadmaps and building digital notebooks, EPC RECAST can achieve unprecedented user-friendliness and user awareness of building performance. Read more
ALDREN final conference [more...]
ALDREN pilot buildings [more...]
The ALDREN (ALliance for Deep RENovation in buildings) project has received funding from the Europe Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 754159.
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ALDREN Webinar: Recordings and presentations
The CEN-CE Project
CEN-CE Project (CEN Standards Certified Experts EU-wide qualification and training scheme based on EPBD mandated CEN standards) is a project financed in the framework of the Horizon 2020 Programme by the European Commission.
Public list of CEN-CE certified experts [more...]
CEN-CE deals with construction skills and vocational training. In order to reach the EU's energy and climate targets, a qualified building workforce is needed. Professionals need to be aware of new upcoming challenges (e.g. nZEB, renewables, new state of art) and be trained on it. The objective of CEN-CE Project is to set up a large-scale qualification and training schemes to increase the skills of HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning) professionals related to the new upcoming challenges. HVAC professionals play an important role in energy efficiency, especially in renovation where HVAC systems are often replaced or upgraded first. The proposed training schemes are based on CEN standards related to the EPBD (Energy Performance of Buildings Directive) and mandated by the European Commission. The new CEN standards offer innovative approaches and solutions including renewables, economical calculation (cost optimum) and measured energy. To bring them into application, training is urgently needed. The Project is focusing on increased skills of HVAC professionals with direct links to the EPBD and Ecodesign Directive.
The training scheme will be complemented by a qualification scheme. It addresses strong market request, shown by the support of stakeholders of the whole building value chain. Qualification and training based on European standards is an advantage for mutual recognition of qualifications and certifications schemes among different EU Member States. Standardisation is also key to create level playing field conditions for products European wide. The consortium includes standard writers, HVAC professional association and professionals, public authority advisers, universities and is supported by actors of the whole building value chain.
ENBEE was involved in a consortium led by CSTB on development of “Voluntary common European Union certification scheme for the energy performance of non-residential buildings” in accordance with Article 11 (9) of the EPBD.) in cooperation with existing environmental certification schemes (BREEAM, HSQ, DGNB, .. .).
National certification schemes and energy certificates are not comparable due to different methodologies of calculation and evaluation of buildings. Voluntary common European certification will be based on:
- a common comparable relative scale
- a common calculation methodology (based on CEN standards)
- a common content and the template for energy certificate